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Carb servings per day weight loss - carb servings per day weight loss

20-12-2016 à 02:33:41
Carb servings per day weight loss
This last week I only have 1 LOW carb day (the day before the show) and my show day will involve carbs in the morning. I have lost over 220lbs over the course of three diets. Finally, a year ago, my doctor gave me his blessing to start training. Hi Lin: For protein shakes, Chris and Heidi recommend low-fat, low-carb shakes with around 20 grams of protein per serving. As for on-the-go meals, try protein powder, low-sodium deli meats, whole-grain crackers, pre-cut fruits and veggies, protein bars, reduced fat cheeses, and nuts. They only have 4g Protein and 190 calories total. This post outlines the nutrition basics, and this other post outlines all parts of the programs:. Carry easy to eat veggies (baby carrots, mini peppers, etc. My husband and I began carb cycling 44 days ago. And how do I calculate the total amount for low and high days. And then from there I eat every 3 hours leaving my last meal around 9:00 PM and then I go to bed between 10:00 PM and 11:00 PM. Unless your workouts are very intense, you should be okay with how the days are outlined. I was going to hold off on releasing this information until my book is published, but decided to introduce it here in response to Dr. Dinner: (3 hours later): Lemon Chicken drizzled with salad dressing. For example the usual recipe I make has about 200 calories per serving. Macro tracking involves tracking the proteins, carbs, and fats you eat daily. This will be my first cycle that I actually understand lol. This plan works, its easy and I never call it a diet. I definitely like your information on carb cycling best, but I looking now to burn fat and continue to see definition. My workout is Mon-Thurs Hiit fit at 5 am and random weight lifting and some cardio on weekends. Here are a couple of posts that will help you know which foods fit into which categories for proteins and carbs. I reread the book and learn a few more skills especially Lesson 10 and 11. With that being said, my reward day would still require me to eat 5 meals. Hi Julie: This can be common as your body is getting used to a new way of doing things, and it should get better. My doctor has suggested a low card diet, but it seems to do all low carb will cause me to feel drained of energy all the time. Make sure you have other options (that require no refrigeration) with you at all times just in case. Low-Carb Meal: Protein: 40%, Carbs: 20%, Fats: 40%. For example if Mon and Tues are both high carb days can you eat the exact same meals both days. And the best calorie range for you if you have very little to lose and simply want to lean up could be different depending on your current height and weight. Trader Joes sells a Natural 100% whey based protein that has 18G protein and is 100 calories per serving and has Total Carbohydrate is 6g with Dietary Fiber 3g and sugars 2g. I have done the classic and turbo cycles and lost only 1 pound on each. We love the program and know it is something we can do for life. The recipes include a protein and then I have to add a carb or fat (depending on the day). The ones I can find either have 15 carbs 5 fat etc. Is there a way to do carb cycling as a vegetarian. I am just starting out with the turbo carb cycling and I have a question. How do you determine the percentage of calories of the protein vs. I want a baby so badly, and my husband does too. I have a couple questions I need clarification on. 5g of Carbs and 11g of Fat. I have 3 questions: I know water is critical. Is there a reason as to why it s not solely a LCHF diet. How do I know how many told macros I get per day on low and high carb days for the Classic Cycling. When I read the labels I find the number of calories from fat specified along with then total number of calories. And feel free to adjust your workouts to match the LC and HC days. Thank you for your explanation on how to break through a plateau. Hi Aidan: You can go right into carb cycling. I started the Turbo Carb Cycling program about a month and a half ago. I feel like I am where I want to be in terms of weight, but I would like to continue to gain muscle and cut fat. 2) Just do the best you can. Hi Trish: With your training schedule, you might want to try the Fit Cycle first:. Though I did not understand it, I did a slingshot week of carbs and additional meal. I am planning to start your carb cycling plan but have a couple of questions. Hi Melissa: Carb cycling takes macro counting to a new level, and you count macros in carb cycling. In a past life I was a professional marathoner and triathlete. Is it a problem then to have yogurt again later in the day, like adding it to a protein powder. I have PCOS and he has some issues as well but weight can help both factors. Popular topics Alcohol Carbs Dairy Fats Fermented Foods Grains Gut Health Protein Resistant Starch Sugar Supplements. I live a permanent, low carb lifestyle, which includes a cheat meal every couple of weeks. And please send me your current weight and height. If the powder has added carbs, it can count as both a protein and a carb. Hi Jamie: 13 pounds in 44 days is amazing. I purchased Extreme Transformation: Lifelong Weigh Loss in 21 Days in audio form and am having a difficult time following the meal plans auditory. My question is can I modified the cycling to fit my exercise schedule to: Carb, Lowcarb, carb, Lowcarb, carb, Reward, Lowcarb. , 3rd- 2 lbs, 4th- 2lbs. Will it be as effective as the design split you provided, and if is not as effective do you think this change will still be recommended. On low carb days I struggle to even walk up the stairs I lack so much energy. So how can I make the calories without eating too much fat but low carbs. Hi Tara: You can certainly up your calories if you need to to achieve your goals. Before we started we took a couple of weeks to just cut out sugar and white bread. I will eat Chicken maybe 2 times a month and Fish maybe once a week. Everyone wants to know what we are doing and many have bought the book to start the plan. I was wondering if you absolutely HAVE to have a big breakfast 30 minutes after waking up. I am curious what I am allowed to drink on the extreme cycle. Here are some macro guidelines for the Turbo Cycle that might be helpful for you: High-Carb Meal: Protein: 40%, Carbs: 40%, Fats: 20%. Lol I have 3 little boys and two of them are 14 months apart. Carbs: 40%, Fats: 20%, Low-Carb Meal: Protein: 40%, Carbs: 20%, Fats: 40%. I have decided to give your classic carb cycle a try. So why do we alternate high-carb and low-carb days in carb cycling. I have added something back, make overall healthy choice, i still have an occasional treat. It might also be a great option to work with a Certified Personal Trainer for a bit who can help you put a program in place that will help you reach your goals. These add to your calorie deficit, which leads to lost pounds. Can you please confirm what the percentages should be, is it 1 gram of protein per pound. When you coming in Italy with extreme makeover. Hi, I have 2 questions. My clothes are getting tighter in all the wrong places. You can get links to the exercise part of the program here:. And for the whole 5th week I just maintained. It says to find our portions based on your current weight see master portion list. My husband and I are doing this together and getting ready to start the Turbo cycle tomorrow (after we go to the grocery store and clear all the bad food our of our house). I lost 125 pounds in a year eating healthy and starting to exercise, then in January I hit a plateau. For the Easy, Classic, Turbo, or Fit Cycles, here are some general recommendations: High-Carb Meal: Protein: 40%. On low carb days I feel great and have tons of energy. I tried to not eat as much while struggling with this injury, but a few weeks ago started tracking my nutrients and realized I was eating over 2000 calories with living a very sedentary life. I think I understand that I should eliminate fats during the high carb days. Did you find carb cycling options for your plant based diet. I really want to tone up and be totally fit my 40th bday this August. If more calories come from fat than carbs, then that bar is a good option for a low-carb meal. PLUS I have wayyyy more time margin in my life. First of all, I love the new book from what I am through so far. the carbohydrates when deciding which protein shake or snack bar to select. The key to knowing which bar is best for which type of meal is to look at both the carb and fat content. Hi Gainluca: It would be best to discuss the program with your healthcare team and then follow any modifications they might recommend. I am a college student, which kind of goes with staying up for a long period of time. Popular Posts 7 Common Calorie Myths We Should All Stop Believing The Primal Blueprint 8 Key Concepts Why Fast. Hi Victoria: It depends on which cycle you follow. I am a night shift (7p-7a) nurse and after reading Chose To Lose, have a few questions on how to adapt carb cycling to my day. Healthy fats also help keep your energy levels steady and keep you from feeling hungry. My biggest question is that my day starts at 5:00 am in which I go straight to the OrangeTheory for a 60 min workout. Hi Brenda: You can also eat seafood, Greek yogurt, protein powders, and cottage cheese as protein sources. Hi Leilani: Here are a couple of blog posts that might help you figure out what will work best for you. For the Extreme Cycle, all the macros are figured out for you in the meal plan. Low Carb Meal: Protein: 40%, Carbs: 20%, Fats: 40%. Hello I just purchased choose more, lose more for life. A few questions I have that I hope you can help me with. That seems like its going against what the plan is trying to do and while going 12 hours without eating would be my norm, I am trying to avoid the habits that got me here. The following descriptions illustrate how carbohydrates impact the human body and the degree to which we need them, or not, in our diet. The example he was showing for a low carb day for a snack was celery with peanut butter and a cheese string. The ranges represent daily averages and are subject to variables like age, current height and weight and particularly training volume. I have a fast metabolism and struggle to stay at 1,200 calories. For instance, if a portion is 3oz of chicken, is it 3oz raw or 3oz cooked. ). Hi Christine: In general, Chris and Heidi recommend low-fat, low-carb powders with around 20 grams of protein per serving. I would like to try the turbo cycle next,should I do a sling shot week before I start (4 th week) or get into the turbo cycle for my next step. It would be best to discuss the program with your healthcare team first, and then follow any modifications they might recommend. Hi Rachel: Here are a couple of post that can give you some great tips for traveling: and. But im eating breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. 1) Is fruit considered a carb. I assume there is a way to calculate calories per gram for the protein and carbohydrates, but am at a loss as to how to do that. Also the protein weights (2 oz salmon, 2. Choose More, Lose More for Life (which features our other four cycles). There is an extensive food list in the book, as well as shopping lists, and here are a couple of posts to get you started: and. I have looked online at a few different calculators and the results vary slightly from each. I only recently started gaining weight which I believe is due to menopause. I just started your book, after purchasing it at least two years ago. Its hard enough trying to lose weight when your body has been on nights for 12 years and never knows when it is time to eat, sleep, wake etc. Protein also breaks down more slowly than carbs and fat, which burns even more calories and helps you feel fuller longer. Do you have like a week sample of carb cycling. I bought the books and trying to get organized to start carb cycling. Was curious as to whether or not that was ok. Totally spaced my 330 meal because frankly I was so busy and not hungry. How do you navigate through eating within 30 minutes of waking and working out early in the morning. Women will eat 1200 calories on low-carb days and 1500 calories on high-carb days. I have lupus so I try to use a powder that is as clean as possible. Strange considering we both live in the Phoenix area. I am confused about whether or not i count the calories from the veggies at every meal. Currently I follow a plan of macro counting and carb bracketing, eating carbs around my morning workouts. Should I add anything to it to round out the meal. Just eat from the list in the book and the correct portions. I get mine here that was recommended from a friend. I am a father of a 5 year old, and I seriously just want to be the best dad I can be while he is still young and is forming memories. I am working out with a structured weight training husband put together by my husband who has been weight lifting for the past 30 years. This helps to get your body out of any routine, which can lead to plateaus. I have made it through 2 rounds of full week of HC meals. First off thank you so much for the very informative and clear idea how to carb cycle. I know that the competition show that is on the TV for years, they tend to starve the contestants, and when they go ack to their everyday lives, they blow back up to their regular sizes, and more. My second question is that in your book, it says veggies are an unlimited snack throughout the day for the Turbo program. Did you do the Slingshot Week for week 4 as recommended. Popular Posts 7 Common Calorie Myths We Should All Stop Believing The Primal Blueprint 8 Key Concepts Why Fast. My problem is that I wake at 4am to go to work. Hello Heidi, would this type of routine need to be modified for someone like myself who has type-II diabetes. The only problem I have is trying to convert the recipes to UK weight and measures. There was a chart on page 72 that only shows breakfast and high carb and low carb meal calorie counts per protein, carb and fat. I usually have a banana or an egg frittata muffin, something small and then when I come home I have shake consisting of skim milk, peanut butter, banana and protein powder. First, I know you (and your books) say that it is important to eat within 30 minutes of waking. Hi there — I have dug through several of your posts and even through the comments sections to see if my question has already been addressed. And be sure and eat that carb portion for breakfast, and then veggies throughout your day (which also have some carbs in them). Hi Kara: It can be a bit tricky to schedule your meals when you work a crazy schedule for sure. New to carb cycling we want to follow the sample weeks at first. I train martial arts 5 days a week and lift at least three. 5g of Protein, less than 7. I am a young at heart 69 year old who is about 70 lbs. Thank you very much and keep the good work. Should I slowly reverse my cycle so that I can get back to a normal amount of food. Thank you for taking the guess work out of carb cycling. You might also get some other tips in this post:. Hi Chuck: For your reward day, you can eat anything you want up to an extra 1,000 calories for that day. If I add in the veggies to the macros, it is near impossible to achieve the 20% carbs on LC days. Thank you so much for your reply to my earlier question. I am hopeful that this will be the ticket. Thanks very much, love the books and all that Heidi and Chris do and looking forward to trying this. Things where going great until I met this guy. Just wondering if you have any tips for carb cycling as a vegetarian. How would this change apply to the carb cycling diets in the books. On high carb days I eat a mixture or fruit, sweet potatoes, Brown rice, and whole wheat weight watchers bread, but no matter what a eat I feel crummy. I eat a lot of specialty low carb things like pasta that has a net carb count of 8g and bagels that have a net carb count of 6g the rest is made up of a lot fiber and some protein. I have been running in 5ks, but I feel that my weight is inhibiting my progress. Michael Eades (he of Protein Power ) posted a message from his friend and fellow low-carb guru Richard Feinman as sort of a call-to-action in public policy-making for upcoming 2010 USDA guidelines. Lunch: (3 hours later): Caribbean Jerk Chicken with a portion of brown rice. And could you have one with cheese or avocado on a LC day. I am still a little confused about fruit fitting in. So, at the end of the day, do I eat 1800, burn 600 and arrive at 1200 for the day. My question is, I want to slowly find my maintenance calories while still doing carb cycling. I came across this carb cycling program and macro-patterning. Hi Team Powell, great fan of your work right here. After my daughter was born 3 years ago, I seem to just keep gaining weight. I was wondering which carb cycling plan Chris is on. I do my best to stick to the healthier options and arrive with a sense of my remaining macros but I also really hate being a stick in the mud when out and it is always during these times that I find macro and cycling mentally burdensome. I simply need to get busy on a plan to lose weight safely. I am so depleted right now that I am stuck on how to gradually bring myself back up to more amounts of carbs. I have been on South Beach But I am changing to your plan, my question is about eggs. I have been reading your blog post on Macro eat and carb cycling. I have coeliacs and hashimotos and due to this 30lbs to shift. Hi Terri: Carbs (the healthy type) are super important for weight loss. Hi Natasha: Egg yolks are considered fats on the Easy, Classic, Turbo, and Fit Cycles, and 2 egg yolks are a fat portion. You can use the recipes in the book and the graphic in this other blog post to help you put your meals together:. As far as protein powders, Chris and Heidi recommend low-fat, whey-based powders with between 15-20 grams of protein and less than 5 grams of carbs per serving, and this powder can count as the protein portion of any meal. Hi Jessica: Fruit can be a bit confusing. And you can use the portion guides (check out the graphic in this post: ), and you can use the calorie guides in the book as a way to double check too. So I was wondering if you had a meal plan with less complicated recipes for 21 days. A fat portion is the size of your thumb, or around 2 tablespoons. I am also working out at the office with some ladies each weekday and after work at my church 3x per week. However one question I do have is, I know my macro count on a normal basis. Before I tried carb cycling I ate nuts and cheese for protein but am limiting them in the classic cycle. The first week I lost 4 lbs. Hi Caroline: Have you tried using cooking spray. I had my son 3 months ago and I need to get my butt into gear. I have read the 2nd book, and started Carb cycling today (low carb day). High Carb Breakfast: X calories from protein food, x calories from carb food. Popular topics Alcohol Carbs Dairy Fats Fermented Foods Grains Gut Health Protein Resistant Starch Sugar Supplements. Am I correct that Sunday would be a low carb day. In these cycles, 4 egg whites are a protein portion. With the Classic Cycle, reward day would fall on a Sunday for me since Im starting on Monday. If the reverse is true, then that bar is a good option for a high carb meal. I feel like I have done a lot of great work so far, so I am really nervous about cheating. Any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated. The Extreme Cycle: Breakfast (EVERY day): Protein: 30%, Carb: 40%, Fat: 30%. The gym came with a free health assessment and personal trainer which I thought was great. 5 oz white fish, etc) seem so low it seems it would be hard to reach the 40% target for the day. For the other four cycles, women eat 1200 calories on low carb days and 1500 calories on high carb days, and men eat 1500 calories on low carb days and 2000 calories on high carb days. Another idea would be to use the Fit Cycle:. For example. You can pre-cook your proteins and do any other prepping ahead of time, freeze some meals ahead of time, basically do all you can ahead of time. Hi Kathy: Every four weeks in carb cycling you do a slingshot week which is an entire week of high carb days. On the Extreme Cycle, 5 egg whites or 2 egg yolks are both considered protein portions. Dr. I only need to stay within the portion size on the plan and watch calories. I weight train 4x per week and spin 1-3 times per week (depending on class schedules), and walk nearly everyday. Already being an avid user of MyfitnessPal this peaked my interest. On your reward day, you can eat anything you want up to 1,000 extra calories for a total daily calorie count of 2,500 calories. Oz, talking about carb cycling, he was giving an example of what you can eat on a high and low carb day. How to Gain Weight and Build Muscle A Case Against Cardio (from a Former Mileage King) All Fitness. I would think this would be a good option for low car due to the higher fat content but is the carb amount too high. I was assuming it would be low carb because according to the diagram, Saturday is a high carb day. Hi Kathie: It is best that kids eat meals with proteins, carbs, veggies, and fats, so yes, they should have more carbs in their meals than is recommended for adults on low carb days. I usually strength train the four off days. I have another area of concern you could assist me with. If you follow the portion size guides for the cycle, you should be good to go. I bought the book instead and cannot put it down. For the first time in forever I feel in control of my body and pretty damn strong. First, for a food like peanut butter for example is it solely counted as a fat even though there is protein in it. I like to eat something prior to the key workouts (intervals, tempo, long runs) and I know carbs are essential for post-workout recovery. Just make sure you sub a high-carb meal for a high-carb meal, and so forth. And he can change cycles at any time, so the program is totally flexible. 4 lbs with diet change. As far as protein powders go, choose whey-based ones with between 15-20 grams of protein and less than 5 grams of carbs per servings. As for the Greek yogurt and cottage cheese, do what works best for you. We are stuck with snack options since your books list mostly meals. I get up at 6 and leave for the gym by 630. Also, I use progenex protein powder which has 10g carbs and 22g of protein per 2 scoops. However, I always added a little shredded cheese on each of these. Where do coconut flour and almond flour fit into carb cycling. Hi Marisela: For the Easy, Classic, Turbo, and Fit Cycles, women eat 1200 calories on low-carb days and 1500 calories on high-carb days. Your carb cycling plans really appeal to me and I appreciate the open communication I find here on your web sites. I currently eat 8 cups a day (2 cups per meal not counting breakfast) on low carb days during the turbo cycle. If we had the guidance of macros per meal rather than calories per meal it would make it so much easier to plan your own meals. I was just wondering if you think it is possible to do the carbs cycling on a mostly vegan diet. I have a couple of questions: I have had my RMR tested and know for my body what the calorie range for weight loss is, which is a little higher than the 1500 you suggest for women, should I go with the 1500 or the 1650 from my RMR test. Team Powell thank you for the quick answers. This pattern tricks your metabolism into burning a lot of calories, even on those low-carb days. How many grams of carbs should I stay under on low carb days. Hi Affan: I would recommend the Extreme Cycle:. My husband is just dropping the weight and has lost almost 30 lbs. If you are very active, you might want to start with the Fit Cycle ( ), and remember that you can change cycles at any time. I just received my book Choose More, Lose More for Life. Doing the list in 70-100 calories segments made it much easier for reference purposes also. Hi Sharna: It can be more difficult to lose weight during menopause, and the weight can come off more slowly. Any input would be greatly appreciated and which Cycle to start with would help as well. So I am officially starting Carb cycling next week. Obviously water, but there was something moving on the scales. Also, could this day be a break from work outs or should I definitely get a work out in on reward day. Hi Mary: It is best if you can since it keeps your energy and sugar levels more balanced. Could I add a protein portion or a fat to help me. I just did the math and see that 13 lbs is an average of 2lbs a week. For high-carb meals, they recommend Think Thin and Cliff Builder, even though they do have some fat content. I purchased the Extreme Transformation and am excited to get started. Hi Kenzi: Congratulations on your new baby girl. Should I still just eat the 5 meals during the day and nothing during the night. I have been successful and even hit my goal weight, but then said, I could do better and added another 10 pounds to my goal. So where would something like these fall into the program. I am on my 6th week of carb cycling- turbo. I am vegan and I am having the most difficult time finding examples of Carb Cycling meal options for vegans. As far as meal planning goes, you can totally substitute recipes within the plan. Snack (3 hours later): Sonora Cottage Cheese with a portion of avocado. If you find you need to move your workouts around to better fit the HC and LC days in your carb cycle, that is okay too. Eades and Dr. And you can change cycles at any time too. Hi Molly: Thank you for your post, you have some awesome goals. I do spin classes fasted, (and have zero problem with energy). I went from running two half marathons months before I got pregnant last year, and now a big bumpy lumpy bug on a log. Hi Leigh: These veggie burgers count towards a protein serving. Secondly I noticed that you suggest 1200 on low day and 1500 calories on high days, I was curious to how this works if someone has a BMR with a higher calorie number than that suggested to intake on low and high calorie days. Hi Chris: This happens to the best of us. I like having yogurt and kashi cereal to start my day. For the Extreme Cycle, you will still eat your fat for breakfast, just like on any other high carb day. I have a bunch of Muscletech Mission 1 Protein Bars at Home. Hi Amanda: The entire carb cycling exercise program is laid out for you. I wrote to you guys last week here on this blog and unfortunately did not get a reply back. Hi Rich: Broccoli is an awesome veggie, and 2 cups at one meal is totally okay. I have only weighed twice once at the end of week one before my reward day and again after week 2 same time, and same scale. I exercise 5-6 times per week doing both cardio (cycling) and strength training classes. On your reward day, you can eat up to 1,000 extra calories for a total of 2,500 calories for that day. Low Carb other meals: X calories from protein food, x calories from fat food. This weight had been unchanged for a year but I am much happier with my shape and have quite a lot of muscle mass. Your meal plans all clearly state to start with breakfast within 30 mins of waking, but I cannot eat before I go or I feel nauseous. What I was asking was this how often can you change from each of your 5 carb cycle plans. And please discuss this program with your healthcare team first, and then follow any modifications they might recommend for you PCOS. I find both workouts equally strenuous so I am not sure which I should pair with my high carb days. I do realize that men tend to lose faster than women. My macros have been 40% Protein, 30% Carbs, and 30% fat with a calorie goal of 1400-1600 per day. Where would a whole hard boiled egg fall (protein, fat, or both). I would like to option to choose which one works best for me. I think the carb cycling could really help me but I just need some guidance on things like which cycle to start with and how to go about it. And yes, protein shakes or bars are a great option, and if you have a mini cooler or mini fridge close by, that opens up a lot of options for you like Greek yogurt, reduced fat cheeses, low sodium deli meats, etc. Low Carb Meal: Protein: 40%, Carbs: 20%, Fats: 40%. I have also been a massive fan of your show, and have always wondered what the contestants eat throughout the program. If you want to bulk prep some meals and eat the some of the same meals throughout the week, that is totally okay. All and all it has been a good 3 days of practice. Currently I track macros and have tried weaning up to 1750 kcals And also down to 1400. I am trying to build muscle so do I need to do anything different when it comes to the eating. You can do whatever works best for you as far as eating and working out go. For the other 4 cycles, there is an awesome graphic in this post that can help you put your meals together:. Hi so how do the workouts relate to the program do i do cardio on high carb days or lifting on low carb days is there a particular way to work out. (3 days total on runs) and 3 separate days I focus on my strength training. My husband and I are starting the classic cycle, inspired by reading Choose more, lose more. My husband and I are getting ready to start the Turbo cycle. Should I do weights on high carb days or low carb days. Low-Carb Meal: Protein: 40%, Carbs: 20%, Fats: 40%. Hi Brandee: There are links within this post to each of the cycles so you can read through each one and see which one will work best for you and your goals. Popular Posts How to Personalize Primal Blueprint Fitness 5 Ways to Get the Most Bang for Your Workout Buck Are Bodyweight Exercises Alone Enough. Hi Heidi do you have any recommendations for travelling. Hi Marlena: Chris is currently following a different nutrition program to help him reach his physique competition goals. As I am trying to bestly prepare myself so I do not fail this time I wondered if there was a place every to connect with other people starting this journey like myself. Hi Kim: Yes, you can follow the same calorie recommendations: 1200 on low carb days and 1500 on high carb days. Popular Posts How to Personalize Primal Blueprint Fitness 5 Ways to Get the Most Bang for Your Workout Buck Are Bodyweight Exercises Alone Enough. My problem would be that I do not eat meat. I am positive that I have messed up my metabolism from the first diet at 21. I just purchased Choose More, Loose More book which I am about to begin reading. Right now I am on a lower carb higher far due to breast feeding. Hi Cathy: Each bar would count for the protein and fat portion of a low-carb meal. I would like to try carb cycling but am not sure where to begin. Is it beneficial to limit the non-fat Greek yogurt and low fat cottage cheese to reduce the stomach bloating. This other blog post has some great info that will help you with this:. Typo: I do 40 min of CARDIO 6 days per week. My husband typically makes scrambled eggs with onions for our breakfast each morning. And the carbs and other food recommendations in carb cycling should not only keep your body healthy, but your hair as well. I only eat whole, plant based foods and no dairy or processed oils or fats. Hi Jennifer: You can follow the meal plan in the book, or you can put together your own meals. You might want to try the new Extreme Cycle, which recommends about 1500 calories each day. Snack (3 hours later): Protein shake with a portion of oatmeal mixed in. I do have a question- Is Carb cycling and Macro eating two different eating lifestyles or do they go hand and hand. I felt like an addict detoxing (In the past I have worked as an addictions counselor so I understand this reference). do you still slingshot and do high carb weeks. I had been carb cycling for a few weeks when I happened across a few days straight where I was unable to control my meal choices (camping retreat). I use my fitness pal to keep track of macros, but when I plug in my workouts it adds more calories to eat. Hi Jennifer: You should be okay leaving your calories the same for a few days. My question is this: instead of having a free day during my weekly cycle, can I just count it as another LC day and consider the few meals and drinks I have during the week as my freebies. My confusion is would those meals be high carb or low carb. Second at the same, and third at the same as well.

Or there are some helpful graphics in both of these posts: and. In order to lose weight, our bodies need the right combination of proteins, carbs, and healthy fats. I love omelettes but hate plain egg whites. I frequently make my own protein snacks and was curious how I could alter the recipe for each day. You might also discuss carb cycling with your healthcare team and see if they have any helpful modifications to suggest. Hi Lin: For the Easy, Classic, Turbo, and Fit Cycles, you will eliminate fats during the Slingshot Week. Can you please help me understand, thank you so much for your help:). My question is what protein powder do you recommend for the shakes. After deciding that the Classic Cycle is for me, Im still a little confused on my reward day. This last week, after a month break from LCHF, I have been doing a higher Calorie diet with carbs, but lost 0lbs. But nevertheless, I felt extremely uneasy in body, as if I was doing nothing to try and sort myself out. Those veggie burgers are over 100 calories each, so they should be ok, right. I will not lose weight if i eat any more than 1200 calories a day so I am checking just to make sure. The main thing is to eat the 1000 extra calories on that day. Now that I have had time to sit and read your blog a bit more, I just want to make sure that I am on the optimal plan to achieve my goals. On the Extreme Cycle, women eat 1500 calories every day. The first couple of weeks of carb cycling we were both very tired, but knew our bodies felt better. When I get to the 12 I want to get to a 10. But you can tweak it to fit you and your schedule, as long as you keep the meal types the same (high-carb, low-carb). I am currently looking to lose 75-85 pounds. For protein bars, the key to knowing which bar is best for which type of meal is to look at both the carb and fat content. I am wondering if this is normal or does by body need more carns to lose weight. Low carb day: Breakfast (within 30 minutes of waking): Basic Omelet with a corn tortilla to make it a wrap. Is it okay to get all the exercise done first thing in the morning, then do breakfast. Any ideas for eating on this plan with only a microwave and oven to cook with. I am a 1st grade teacher so two of my five meals a day will be shakes because it is too difficult to eat meals with 21 busy little 6 year olds and the tight schedule of a teacher. Try and use low-sodium or sodium-free products when you can. If not, those can really help to keep you full. The 100 calorie guide is for general reference, and it was less confusing to list everything in those calorie amounts than to have many different calorie amounts. Like, my hunger pains are CRAZY mid day and even after dinner. I have a 4 month old baby and I am still strictly breastfeeding. I am thinking that i may not be getting all of my calories on my LC days. Bonus tip: Prep those veggies ahead of time so you simply have to grab and go. I guess by the end of my slingshot week (I still watched what I ate), I gained 2 lbs back. What are the calories you are supposed to be eating at each meal. Here are the recommended macro percentages for all of the carb cycles: Easy, Classic, Turbo, or Fit Cycles: High Carb Meal (including EVERY breakfast): Protein: 40%, Carbs: 40%, Fats: 20%. I have lost a few inches, and I do know the scale actually means very little in the scheme of things, my muscle definition is much better, but I still have fat to lose. I saw on the website here that egg yolks are fats but in the Extreme Transformation book they are listed under protein but a whole egg is not listed at all. I was looking for some suggestions for bars that would work on LC or HC days. Some options are soy protein sources such as tofu and tempeh and other vegetarian protein options such as hemp, bean, and pea protein. I was looking for a way to lean up and lose fat without compromising my muscles. total fat is roughly 13g and total carbs 8g. I am trying to get,y macros just right, there are so may different numbers out there. So knowing what proportion of tofu to sweet potato would be great. Chris and Heidi do recommend consuming only one protein bar a day, since it is best to eat whole foods whenever possible. If you do gain any weight, that should be temporary weight gain. My Macro calcualtions differ from you Classic cycling Macros given for women above. You never want to go below 1200 calories a day also. Does it have to be low fat or can we have regular hummus and also how much of it and on which days and which meals. I was wondering how would i do this since i am a vegan (for ethical reasons). Should I purchase the Choose to Lose, 7 day carb cycling book or Choose More, Lose More. I love your work and I am just trying to decide which book to buy. I have lost 60 lbs on my own and only have 10 to go to reach my happy weight of 150 at 5 ft 7 (He told me I need to lose 20 to be healthy weight). Hi Mary: Cream of wheat is an acceptable carb. I see that you do a carb cycling program. Is there a way to take into account net carbs vs total carbs. I train 5-6 days per week and fairly fit but just would like to lean out a little more. Such as leg day on high carb and arms on low carb. Are they acceptable and should they only be on a high carb day. Which would be more helpful as far as the Turbo Cycle and what each food is considered(carb or not carb). Letting go of things is hard for me, and definitely acknowledging any successes I have. 2) Is Hummus low fat enough to have on HC days. but not in a very healthy manner. I have tried LCHF this past time (Did not finish due to the restrictions placed onto the diet), and lost 20Lbs in a week. I am not feeling good about this for some reason. Or should I just trust the portion sizes that are listed in the book and go for it. You might be interested in the Classic Cycle, which follow more of an every other day outline as you suggested above:. I have lost 44 pounds so far by making better decisions about food and switching to drinking just water, but I still have 67 pounds to go to make my goal weight. Hi Brian: You can eat tofu, tempeh, or TVP as protein options. It was mentioned in the replies earlier that women should eat 1200 calories. Hi Talissa: You put your snacks together the same way you put your meals together. For example, a heavy, active person can be successful at a higher number than a light, moderately active person. And the calorie recommendations for all cycles are formulated with the exercise recommendations in mind. But on my macros my fat is always high, protein is high and carbs are low, which is what I want right. I note in the book the recommendation for females is 1200. We are on our 4th week which is high carb all week. Learn more about eating and working out here:. Do you have any recommendations of which cycle someone participating in track or other sports could benefit from. If the reverse is true, then that bar is a good option for a high-carb meal. Obviously water is unlimited but what about coffee. Ive been reading your books, and thought it might be the one to try. While each plan has a different mix of high-carb and low-carb days, each day works basically the same. I do boxing and functional training three times a week, I also run twice a week. You can get links to both parts of the exercise part of the program here:. Just started carb cycling to lose the last 15 without compromising my health. I have a protein shake that has 20g protein, 6g carbs, and 7g fat. My only problem is that there is a lot of preparation involved in making the meals. I also try to fit in some yoga and stretch every day trying to improve flexibility. I love you and your husband and value your opinion. There is no way I am eating breakfast at 0300. I just started adjusting our menu to allow me to carb-cycle. Also, I was hoping their was a printable 21-day daily tracker. When you are tracking your water consumption, do you include the water that you put into your protein shakes. I do 1 long run, one speed workout and one tempo run. Hi Florence: In carb cycling, chickpeas and quinoa are only considered carbs. Been following you and Chris since the amazing transformation of my college friend, Mike Epstein. Snack (3 hours later): Greek Yogurt Parfait with a portion of low fat granola. So I kept up on my calorie count, making sure I ate enough. I am mostly a runner who has just started lifting heavier and more. Hi Tiffany: You can substitute most any plant-based protein source for any meat-based protein source in most of the recipes. On these (2) weeks i have lost more weight than i have on the regular turbo weeks. You body should adjust to eating all these healthy and tasty meals, it just takes some time for some people. BUT, then I met with the trainer he crushed my world. Different things work for different people as far as eating our before working out goes, so do what works best for you. I am taking my Levothyroxine as prescribed and we are following the program diligently as I am preparing our food weekly that we take to work with us. I am planning to start carb cycling next week, doing all my grocery and meal planning this week. I have been eating primarily the recipes out of extreme transformation, but I love cooking, and wanted to try to make some of my old favorites (a lot of them from Skinny Taste, others just my own concoctions ) and have some questions about macros. If I purchase the book about the 4 carb cycles, does it also help with when and how you should work out on what days. However, it is important to eat other veggies also, so you might choose to eat different ones for different meals. I would look more towards challenging yourself with free weights if possible. Hi Heidi, I am intrigued by the concept of carb cycling. If I need to give that up, what are my options for both low carb and high carb days. Extreme Transformation and carb cycling has done more than just allowed me to lose weight. Any advice on the staying awake and working all night thing. I want like a slice of pizza from a REAL pizza place or a burger from a legit burger joint. Hi Niall: Yes, those are the calorie recommendations for all males. Carb cycling is an eating plan with alternating high-carb and low-carb days. 200 grams just seems so high. This would count as the protein portion of any meal. I have choose to lose and carb cycling and the recipes just say use marinara sauce. Like the bagel is 100 calories but only 6g net carbs so only 24 calories are coming from digestible carbs so how would I count this food, still as a carb. It then gives food lists in 100 calorie portions. I absolutely love to follow Heidi and Chris and the amazing work they do with helping individuals lose weight. Hello,I started the turbo cycle 16 days ago. I work out early in the morning and typcially do not eat prior to working out. I will be doing a combo of strength training and cardio. Where do I find the chart in chapter 15 that tells me how much to eat for my age and weight. I generally make wraps or pita pizzas on whole grain. However I do not want to loose weight nor gain weight. Second, I am just about to compete in a bikini competition this Saturday and I have been implementing carb cycling throughout my entire prep. Or are they any special things I need to watch out for, my kids are a healthy weight, and just need better nutrition to keep the, that way. It seams that we are two have two fistfulls of vegetables for breakfast every day but the breakfast recipes in the book sometimes have no vegetables at all. I just finished medical school and will be starting internship soon, and that will require me to work a 24hour shift once or twice a week. In choose More Lose More, the recipes use hand portions. You can also use the food list in both books for examples of 70-100 calories portions. Is there an easy daily meal plan I can follow to help with the Carb Cycling diet. I use cheeses often in a lot our dinner recipes. I have been on the Turbo plan for 8 weeks now, i am down 15 lbs. Hi Marisela: There are not meal plans for the Turbo Cycle. One of my goals this week was to join a gym, which I did. And for low carb meals, just make sure your carbs are less than 30 calories for each low carb meal. High Carb other meals: X calories from protein food, x calories from carb food. Once you get back to your regular carb cycle next week, you should be good to go. I would like to build muscle and work on body recomposition. In carb cycling, fruit is a carb, so you can have it as the carb portion of a high carb meal. I currently do workouts like black fire from daily burn and have also done p90x3 but I need to stay in shape for field hockey in the fall. For whatever food I choose to add, do I use the specific amount shown in the 100-calorie lists. That way I can prep less food, but more of it, to last for the specific meal during the week. I was so excited and happy, and now I am just confused and not so enthusiastic. In Choose More, Lose More for life, under the list of Smart Food, carrots, corn, and peas are listed under carbs. Shoot for a 3-4 oz size for meats, and the palm of your hand is a good gauge too. Before I found out about your Carb Cycling Plan I started a low carb diet with 20g of carbs, or less, per day. Hi Madeline: Get some great info on how to structure your meal schedule here:. I am not sure if anyone already posted this question, but I was planning on doing the turbo cycling. Hi Lindsay: You might want to start with the new Extreme Cycle ( ). Do you have any advice for protein on low carb days. You might also want to check out the new Extreme Cycle and see if that might help:. If I eat at 4:15, that means my next meal would have to be at 7:15, then 10:15, then 1:15, then 4:15. Get even more information on carb cycling in both or our books: Extreme Transformation (the newest edition to our carb cycline lineup featuring the Extreme Cycle ) and. Could you have one with a whole wheat bun, lettuce, tomato, and salsa on a HC day. I started carb cycling in March and was really really successful for 3 month then fell off the wagon, broke promises left right and center. I have been following carb cycling and on low carb days I am genuine hungry all day. overweight. However to make my life easier and to be sure to stick to the plan, I was wondering if I can repeat meals through out the week. Hope this helps, and we wish you the best. Hi Kellie: Nonfat plain Greek yogurt is considered a protein in carb cycling, so it could potentially be the protein portion of any meal. As for the other macros, a carb portion is around a cup (the size of your fist), veggies are around 2 cups (the size of both fists), and it gets a bit trickier for proteins since some are more dense than others. First, I want to say of much of an impact you made in my life. In general, here are the macro percentages for the Fit Cycle: High Carb Meal (including EVERY breakfast): Protein: 40%, Carbs: 40%, Fats: 20%, Low Carb Meal: Protein: 40%, Carbs: 20%, Fats: 40%. It is a measurement I am very familiar with. , 2nd- 2 lbs. As for your your husband, he might want to begin with the Fit cycle:. I would like to lose 15 to 20 lbs and its been a struggle since I have turned 50. The chart refers to 100 calories for protein, not 100 calories total for the burgers. The link you sent says 100 calories of protein for a HC meal. As far as hitting those calorie recommendations, it is important that you aim for 1200 on LC days and 1500 on HC days so your body has the nutrients it needs to function properly AND lose any extra pounds. I have forgotten how long it takes for the bloat to go away, I think it is 2 weeks. I am looking to find something new and sustainable to lose the weight and tone up. Do you have meal plans for the turbo plan. you made the options simple and easy to do. Hi Maddie: There are not meal plans for the Turbo Cycle. Sometimes it just takes your body a bit of time to adjust to a new way of doing things, and remember, you can have veggies with every meal, which can really help. I work occasional long days, meaning it could be 22 hours before I get back to bed. High carb day: Breakfast (within 30 minutes of waking): Denver Omelet with a portion of your favorite fruit or oatmeal on the side. Low-Carb Meal: Protein: 40%, Carbs: 20%, Fats: 40%. I do a lot of heavy weight training and I would like to do the carb cycling, but how much calories do I have to take. At age 43 I was having difficulty for about two weeks, not losing any weight. I have been looking into carb cycling for sometime now, I have tried programs such as the 21 DayFix and quite enjoyed it, but looking for something new. I may have missed it in the above comments possibly. Is there a certain calculation or method you use to get your specific macros that is more fine tuned when working towards those goals. Is this accurate or are there different numbers I should be going against. I am following the Classic Carb Cycling 1200 low carb, 1500 high carb. And a good whey-based protein powder with between 15-20 grams of protein and less than 5 grams of carbs can count as the protein part of any meal. Maybe a silly question but the only think I can find for sugar free syrup is like coffee flavorings. Protein: 40%, Carbs: 40%, Fats: 20%, Low Carb Meal: Protein: 40%, Carbs: 20%, Fats: 40%. Even looking at roasting garlic and using tomato sauce and some chopped tomatoes, however it still comes out around 11g carbs. I like the way everything is laid out covering the days, the mental aspect,the setting of goals, the commitment and of course the meals. It was super tough the first three days but now I fell less hungry and have more energy. You can use the recipes in the book and the graphic in this other blog post to help you put your meals together:. I am a SAHM with three small children and we all get up by 7:30am and eat breakfast at 8 or 8:15am. The key to knowing which bar is best for which type of meal is to look at both the carb and fat content. I would LOVE to know if there are comparable cup measurements for the other portions. Corn and peas are considered carbs so they should only be eaten for high-carb meals. You can eat healthy foods, enjoy foods you love, and still lose weight. When I looked at the recipes I noticed all of the breakfast items contained egg whites instead of whole eggs. You can also use any of the recipes in any of their other books. Hi MM: Getting in all 5 meals can be tricky on some schedules. When measuring out a portion of chicken, should I be weighing it raw or cooked. Hi Jonathan: You can try any of the carb cycles to find out which one will work best for your workout schedule, and you can change cycles at any time. Trying to find a good balance in caloric intake to fuel my running and nursing but low enough to lose weight. With every episode of Extreme Weight Loss I get more inspired to lead a healthier lifestyle. I am on the verge of going up to a size 38. today I had the Denver omlet: egg whites, ham, cheese, onions and peppers. As for protein powders, Chris and Heidi recommend whey-based powders with between 15-20 grams of protein and less than 5 grams of carbs per serving. Obviously the quicker the better but we want to be smart about it too. Need tips on Gluten Free Carb-Cycling please: ). My last 3 weeks of prep have involved 3 NO carb days back to back followed by a HIGH carb day and I had 2 of those a week. I just finished Kickstarter with you guys, and won, losing 6. I know this is a lifestyle change but I am still curious about how quick we should see the pounds and inches start to disappear. I saw the post that gave the caloric breakdown for breakfast. I just purchased Choose to Lose yesterday and was wondering if I can do my own workout routine. I ran competitively for 8 years, but never achieved the lean mass I wanted despite high mileage weeks. Strength classes are a good start, but you may need to up your weight and change up how you train. Also, any tips for staying motivated and disciplined. Is it safe to consume 2 cups of broccoli at each meal on low carb days. I have been doing the extreme cycling for about 3 weeks, my question is my fourth week is approaching but I am confused. Hi Kimberly: Chris and Heidi recommend low-fat, whey-based powders with between 15-20 grams of protein and less than 5 grams of carbs per serving. I have the same workout routine as before I CrossFit 5 days per week and have post knee arthroscopy PT on 2 of those days. On week 4, 8, etc. Is there a certain way to structure workouts around carb cycling. Hi Yolanda: A busy schedule can be tricky. Also, I see you suggest protein shakes but I have difficulty tolerating protein powders. I am 53, going through menopause and seeking to lose 10 pounds. Low Carb Meal: Protein: 40%, Carb: 10%, Fat: 50%. I am very confused on what I need to track. Does carb cycling work for breast feeding mamas. Yes, there are some vegetarian options available for carb cycling. And here are some macro percentage recommendations that might help too: High Carb Meal. Is this an okay protein to use or do I need to find another Whey protein with 5 or less total Carbohydrates. Hi Stacy: Carb cycling is alternating between low and high carb days. Snack (3 hours later): A protein shake with a portion of a healthy fat, like peanut butter, mixed in. There are 5 cycles to choose from (links to each are in this post), and there are several vegan options too. I read that on the extreme cycle you should eat around 1500 kcal daily. My friend and I are starting the turbo carb cycling this week. I am not sure which cycle would be best for me. I do eat eggs and dairy but am looking for some alternate protein sources. Carb cycling can work for vegans, and there are some options that could work for you. I want to make a tofu, sweet potato mash for high carb meals. I drink smoothies everyday with plant based protein. Can you tell me when I should eat and what. In the scedual I saw it was 1500 for the man, 1200 for woman, but that is way to low when I train 6 days a week. Would you recommend still keeping more carbs in their meals. Hello team Powell I bought the choose to lose 7 day carb cycle and we are trying to get started with it but are a bit confused. Low Carb Breakfast: X calories from protein food, x calories from carb food. Because that helped me know how to make my protein oatmeal with chia seeds. Ham can be eaten as a protein, but look for low-fat, low-sodium versions. I am looking to supplement my healthy lifestyle, not a diet. so you always say egg whites. For hummus, you can have 2 tablespoons, which count as a carb. You have black coffee or tea, but be sure to only use 0 calorie sweeteners. My question is kind of multi-layered, but here it goes. Just be sure you are getting in all 1200 calories on low carb days, and remember, veggies are technically carbs, so you are getting in great carbs even on low-carb days. Based on that chart, for a LC meal, I should be having 37. Doing a practice run this week though to get in the flow. My sister in law and I started carb cycling just over 4 weeks ago. Hi Sammy Jo: You can choose any of the cycles, but be sure and discuss carb cycling with your healthcare team first, and then follow any recommendations they may have. In a twist of fate your book Extreme Transformation was on top of the pile of 38 inch pants. The Hand guide is cool, but I am looking to make dishes that combine the ingredients, so if I knew the calories I would know the proportions to add of each. Crazy things will always come up, so just do the best you can. And we go by the total carb count of a food, which makes things much easier. Two quick questions, based on weight, what is the basic calculation for High and Low days for Carbs, Protein and Fats. I already eat very clean, watch my macros, and am in the gym lifting with a trainer 3x per week. Hi Ruth: Check on pages 164 and 165 for calorie and portion size recommendations. Your page has been my go to since carb cycling. Hi Jessica: Here are some general macro percentage recommendations for the Easy, Classic, Turbo, and Fit Cycles: High Carb Meal. And yes, carb cycling is a program you can follow for life, even after you achieve your transformation goals. I was wondering how to fit this into carb cycling. Also, for the weekly cheat day, if we want to plan this day for a particular day of the week (say I want a cheat day this Friday for a party, and then next Saturday for a wedding), is there any rule about how to arrange the other days around it. I know Extreme Transformation has the most up to date information, but does this include all of the carb cycles or just the Extreme Cycle. Cliff bar for a HC day: 260 cal, 7g fat, 43g carbs, 9g protein. I am just reading this all and thinking about starting. For my LC days, I was having low fat greek yogurt and pineapple. I wake up at 5:00 to get my daughter off to school then I head right for the gym. Hi Alana: The Easy Cycle allows you a reward meal during the week on HC days instead of a weekly reward day, so that might be a good option for you:. Also, (and sort of more importantly) is there any group, blog, FB page for support and group discussion. Since your reward day is scheduled on Sundays, and since there are no workouts scheduled for those days, you can take a rest day. Also if I got a good whey protein as recommended could that replace a meal (say breakfast or lunch). Hi Jenny: Are you eating the 2 fist fulls of veggies with every meal. Carb cycling is the foundation of what my husband, Chris, and I do every day and with every client. We are doing the Easy Carb Cycle for now. I wondered what is more important eating within 30 minutes of waking or getting my workout in before eating. 100 calories of protein equates to 25 grams of protein per serving. Can you let me know if this okay, or what should I do. This may happen frequently based on my job. I would also like to know if you can have protein shakes on low carb days as they contain carbs. Hi Mike: You can actually do a bit of both, or whatever works best for you. Lunch (3 hours later): Tomato Basil and Garlic Chicken with a portion of olive oil drizzled on top. Can you do 2 weeks of 1 and change to another. My question is about kids: I have a 3 and a 6 year old who love veggies and could theoretically eat low-carb day meals for breakfast and dinner during the week and all meals on weekends. Feinman have suggested that we ought to quickly find a way to help the USDA arrive at a sensible recommendation for carbohydrate consumption. Hi Sheereen: Since up to 60 minutes a day (Monday-Friday) of cardio are included in this plan, you should be good to go as the plan is outlined. I typically have a latte every day, either at home or a venti at Starbucks. In my current position I work in the community a lot and may not always have the ability to get in my food or know what foods to eat. Instead of eating carbs only in the morning each day, will it help me to do a plan like this where my macros are changing on alternate days. Protein PLUS tons of super foods like chia, flax, quinoa, Maca root, etc. I actually train 3x a week weights and 1-2 cardio. In the graph is it one serving of each protein and carb. So the idea of I should have done better regardless of how well I did, is hard wired. I am about 200 pounds and really need to lose 30 plus pounds. Hi Jennie: We love to get posts like your. Those calories go towards your daily calorie deficit, which leads to lost pounds. They are the best ones to help you since they know your health history and can work with you on a one-on-one basis. I am reading more about carb cycling in Choose more to lose more for life and I was wondering if you have advice about incorporating this into Myfitnesspal. If more calories come from fat than carbs, then that bar is a good option for a low-carb meal. I am currently in Ketosis, can I use carb cycling as a way to reintroduce carbs. Any help or advice for anyone who works 12-16 hour night shifts. Is this common in the personal trainer world. Are protein bars like mission one or quest good options. I have a question regarding the 100 calorie portion food lists. I look forward to my reward days so it makes it more exciting to think about what I want to eat for that one day all week. Can you eat the same meal plan for two days in a row. Hi Heidi, my husband and I are just starting out. Cycling is a good source of cardio, but after a while, choosing the same exercise will stall your progress. I have stubborn visceral fat that needs gone. There is an amazing meal plan, or you can put your own meals together (there are guidelines for this), or a combo of the two. Also, do you have a recommended protein powder for shakes. I just read 3 of your books and I have a few questions. So, on a whim, I bought the extreme carb cycling book late on Sunday evening, headed to the grocery and then started Monday morning. Now my life goal is to help 100 million people get healthy. Everything is figured out for you in all 5 cycles, and you can learn about each one by following the links in this post. I want to start my own transformation but want to make sure I am doing it right. I need something I can scarf down in less than 5 minutes. How to Gain Weight and Build Muscle A Case Against Cardio (from a Former Mileage King) All Fitness. Hi John: Marinara sauces are fine, just watch the sodium and choose the lowest carb one you can. What constitutes a low carb day, compared to a high carb day. I just purchased and read most of your Extreme Transformation book already. You can do both at the same time, and both can be followed for life. I am looking to add muscle now and tone the rest. Will there be a Carb Cycling recipe book in the (hopefully near) future. I do mix heavy weight with Metcon training 6 days a week but have always felt at a loss with which nutrition plan to follow. My gut tells me to ignore him, follow the book and do my own thing. I recently lost 20 lbs. And you can make your own soups by adding a protein, carb, and veggies (high-carb meal), or a protein, fat, and veggies (low-carb meal). Each cycle is designed the way it is for a reason, and if you change up the design, it could very well affect your weight loss. Thanks so much for putting this out there for people like me. On average I burn between 500-750 calories per workout (3-4 times per week) on the days that I workout, do I need to add more calories to my diet. I am a runner and run 6 days a week and weight train 3 to 4 days a week. Hi, I bought your latest book as a gift to myself this Christmas and I am very excited to start. In selecting a carb cycling plan, should age be a consideration. And thank you for putting out wonderful information for us all. You might do an easier workout on LC days until your body gets adjusted. Hi Rosa: The daily calorie recommendations for women are 1200 on low-carb days and 1500 on high-carb days. If so, since carbs (even the healthy ones) can cause you to retain water, this could simply be water weight and it should go away in a few days. The daily calorie recommendations for women on this cycle are 1500 a day. I have been working out with a personal trainer 3x a week for over 2 years now. How do you recommend I convert cups of dry and wet ingredients into grams and mls, please. I still lost weight even though i felt like i was gaining that week. The recipes in Choose To Lose are pretty simple giving the exact amount of each ingredient to use. Do I still follow the 5 structured meal times and just add a few extra calories here or there or is the day also less structured. Hi S: On the Extreme Cycle, women eat around 1500 calories a day, and men eat around 2000 calories a day. Hi Paula: Yes, plain black coffee is allowed. Your rate of weight loss depends on body composition, current weight, and how well you adhere to the program. Wanted to try and implement it on low carb days. This is the start of my 4th week, sorry, I should have clarified better. I just finished reading Choose More, Lose More for life. So I make silent promises again, and of course breaking them. I had to go to 3 different stores to get the list completed also, after completing the meal prep for the first 3 days I found that there still is a lot of prep work involved in most meals spending way to much time getting meals ready. Or is it supposed to be 3 cups of spinach plus 1 carrot equals 2 veggie servings (like at end of protein shake recipe). Here are the macro percentage breakdowns for all of the carb cycles: Easy, Classic, Fit, and Turbo Cycles: High Carb Meal (including EVERY breakfast): Protein: 40%, Carbs: 40%, Fats: 20%, Low Carb