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Compliance to diaic diet - cooperation to diaic fare

31-01-2017 à 17:08:48
Compliance to diaic diet
A kidney diet can provide the necessary nutrients for you while on dialysis. In the UK about 1 in 20 people aged over 65 and around 1 in 5 people aged over 85 have diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is now becoming more common in children and in young people. The first-line treatment is diet, weight control and physical activity. You also need to be careful with salt substitutes as many contain the ingredient potassium chloride. The main sugar is called glucose which passes through your gut wall into your bloodstream. When your kidneys are no longer able to filter waste products from the body, your doctor may recommend dialysis. It is more common in untreated type 1 diabetes when a very high level of glucose can develop quickly. Foot problems (due to poor circulation and nerve damage). As already mentioned, the symptoms of type 2 diabetes often come on gradually and can be quite vague at first. (Fasting means having nothing to eat or drink, other than water, from midnight before the blood test is performed). These are part of little islands of cells (islets) within the pancreas. Stacey Phillips is a registered dietitian and nutrition writer. Other risk factors for type 2 diabetes include: Having a first-degree relative with type 2 diabetes. Having a waist measuring more than 31. Many people have diabetes for a long period of time before their diagnosis is made. It develops mainly in people older than the age of 40 (but can also occur in younger people). As the symptoms may develop gradually, you can become used to being thirsty and tired and you may not recognise that you are ill for some time. With this treatment, diet is important to help control blood levels of certain nutrients. Impaired glucose tolerance means that your blood sugar (glucose) levels are higher than normal but not high enough to have diabetes. Milk and dairy products, meat, whole grains and cola are all high phosphorus foods. Kidney damage which sometimes develops into chronic kidney disease. Meeting with a kidney dietitian can help you develop a healthy diet plan while on dialysis. It is estimated that there are around 750,000 people in the UK with type 2 diabetes who have not yet been diagnosed with the condition. Some people also develop blurred vision and frequent infections, such as recurring thrush. On dialysis, it is recommended, that you eat no more than 2,000 milligrams of sodium per day. You still have some risk of complications in the long term if your blood glucose level remains even mildly high - even if you have no symptoms in the short term. Meat is an excellent protein source while you are on dialysis, so other foods high in phosphorus should be eaten in moderation. In many cases diabetes is diagnosed during a routine medical or when tests are done for an unrelated medical condition. Then eat a starchy snack such as a sandwich. 5 inches (80 cm) if you are a woman or more than 37 inches (94 cm) if you are a man. Also, when shopping for snacks, choose low-sodium or salt free versions of chips, pretzels and crackers. Low potassium suggestions include white bread, rice and pasta, non-enriched rice milk, applesauce, canned peaches, fresh broccoli, carrots and cucumbers. A very high blood level of glucose can cause lack of fluid in the body (dehydration), drowsiness and serious illness which can be life-threatening. Type 2 diabetes is much more common than type 1 diabetes. The blood test detects the level of glucose in your blood. With type 2 diabetes, the illness and symptoms tend to develop gradually (over weeks or months). Type 1 diabetes is treated with insulin injections and diet. The type and severity of long-term complications vary from case to case. Your risk of developing complications is also reduced if you deal with any other risk factors that you may have, such as high blood pressure. It is around five times more common in South Asian and African-Caribbean people (often developing before the age of 40 in this group). People with impaired glucose tolerance have a high risk of developing diabetes and so impaired glucose tolerance is often called pre-diabetes. A simple dipstick test may detect sugar (glucose) in a sample of urine. The number of people with type 2 diabetes is increasing in the UK, as it is more common in people who are overweight or obese. It is now recommended that the blood test for HbA1c can also be used as a test to diagnose diabetes. Symptoms of hypoglycaemia include: Trembling Sweating Anxiety Blurred vision Tingling lips Paleness Mood change Vagueness Confusion To treat hypoglycaemia you should take a sugary drink or some sweets. Long-term complications If your blood glucose level is higher than normal over a long period of time, it can gradually damage your blood vessels. When the blood glucose level begins to fall (between meals), the level of insulin falls. Short-term complication - a very high blood sugar (glucose) level This is not common with type 2 diabetes. Insulin is a hormone that is made by cells called beta cells. The sodium, potassium, phosphorus, protein and fluid in the foods you eat need to be monitored with your kidney diet. A hypo may occur if you have too much diabetes medication, have delayed or missed a meal or snack, or have taken part in unplanned exercise or physical activity. In type 1 diabetes the beta cells in the pancreas stop making insulin.

However, some people with type 2 diabetes do not have any symptoms if the glucose level is not too high. This may lead to some of the following complications (often years after you first develop diabetes): Furring or hardening of the arteries (atheroma). (A first-degree relative is a parent, brother, sister, or child. Type 2 diabetes used to be known as maturity-onset, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Some people have to have two samples of blood taken and may be asked to fast. Some glycogen or fat is then converted back into glucose which is released from the cells into the bloodstream. Diabetes mellitus (just called diabetes from now on) occurs when the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood becomes higher than normal. However, a very high glucose level develops in some people with untreated type 2 diabetes. The four common symptoms are: Being thirsty a lot of the time. Other treatments include reducing blood pressure if it is high, lowering high cholesterol levels and also other measures to reduce the risk of complications. Cook meals at home with fresh herbs and spices to limit added sodium. Some of the glucose is used by the cells for energy and some is converted into stores of energy (glycogen or fat). Grains, breads, cereal, fruits and vegetables contain higher amounts of potassium. This can cause problems such as angina, heart attacks, stroke and poor circulation. This can occur even if the glucose level is not very high above the normal level. With kidney disease, you should also be cautious about not overeating high phosphorus foods. Eye problems which can affect vision (due to damage to the small arteries of the retina at the back of the eye). This is because in type 2 diabetes you still make insulin (unlike in type 1 diabetes). Select fresh meats, fruits and vegetables not preserved in a salty sauce or broth. Tomatoes, potatoes, bananas, whole grain foods and orange juice are all very high in potassium and should be avoided or eaten sparingly while on dialysis. Not all tablet medicines used for diabetes can cause a hypo. Note: hypoglycaemia cannot occur if you are treated with diet alone. In general, the nearer your blood glucose level is to normal, the less your risk of developing complications. Sodium is added to many of the foods you eat as a preservative. What are the symptoms of type 2 diabetes. However, to remain healthy, your blood glucose level should not go too high or too low. If the glucose level is high then it will confirm that you have diabetes. The cells in your body become resistant to normal levels of insulin. Hormones are chemicals that are released into the bloodstream and work on various parts of the body. ) Being overweight or obese. It usually first develops in children or in young adults. Insulin works on the cells of your body and makes them take in glucose from the bloodstream. Understanding blood sugar (glucose) and insulin Who develops type 2 diabetes. If a high blood sugar (glucose) level is brought down to a normal or near-normal level, your symptoms will ease and you are likely to feel well again. So, when your blood glucose level begins to rise (after you eat), the level of a hormone called insulin should also rise. Understanding blood sugar (glucose) and insulin After you eat, various foods are broken down in your gut (intestine) into sugars. Type 1 diabetes used to be known as juvenile, early-onset, or insulin-dependent diabetes. But, even if you do not have symptoms, you should still have treatment to reduce the risk of developing complications. Treatment aim 1 - keeping your blood sugar (glucose) level at normal levels Treatment aim 2 - to reduce other risk factors Treatment aim 3 - to detect and treat any complications promptly Immunisation References Type 2 diabetes occurs mainly in people aged over 40. Although diabetes cannot be cured, it can be treated successfully. The reason why you make a lot of urine and become thirsty is because blood sugar (glucose) leaks into your urine, which pulls out extra water through the kidneys. Limit dairy products to one serving per day. Therefore, a blood test is needed to make the diagnosis. The illness and symptoms develop quickly (over days or weeks) because the level of insulin in the bloodstream becomes very low. Impotence (again due to poor circulation and nerve damage). Having diabetes or pre-diabetes when you were pregnant. The rest of this leaflet deals only with type 2 diabetes. Read labels and avoid pre-packaged or canned foods high in sodium. However, this is not sufficient to make a definite diagnosis of diabetes. There are two main types of diabetes - type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. If the blood sugar (glucose) level remains high despite these measures then tablets to reduce the blood glucose level are usually advised. See separate leaflet called Type 1 Diabetes for more details. What are the symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

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